One minute you’re riding your horse, playing the flute, minding your own business. Next thing, you see some farmers in the distance… shit, no farmers. Next thing you know you’re cutting down some foos'
Dishwasher emptied ☑️
Coffee’s Greca ready for tomorrow ☑️
Lunch packed ☑️
Kitchen clean ☑️
Now, we drink
Ghost of Tsushima is probably the best game I’ve played since Assassins Creed Odyssey
Things Marley say
while she’s running around the yard
I’m the speedest flower
30th of the month home-screen. 😜
There was a real concern this morning from the girls, the kiddy pool was gone. Turns out, the winds have been so strong the past couple of days, it flew to the neighbors’s yard. In any event, the pool’s rescue mission was a success. 😅
I have been so focused on my field work these past week and a half, that i had stopped listening to my body. Thus, I am sort of having lower back problems again. The only difference this time around is that I know how to go about it and maybe get back to where I was without the need of physical therapy. Also I have fall off my exercise regiment. If I have worked out at all in these past two weeks it has been on the weekends, well only Saturday’s rather. With all the field work done, I can get back to my “normal” routine and pay more attention to my body.
It is Friday and the body I knows it. Rough week. Year one pf my current gig completed ☑️, Grow out reading done ☑️, also, I have a new manager effective tomorrow! Cheers! Los veo!
I can’t believe it took me this long to get this game, and yet, here we are. I remember when I first saw images and game footage of this game and thinking “this game is beautiful and its going to be huge”. The game comes out and it’s an instant people’s favorite but I was still hesitant.
I am a sucker for samurai lore, I think. We all are to an extent. Anything feudal Japan, Samurais , Ninjas ,all of it. As I have expressed many times before, I am a huge of the Assassins Creed series, especially the last two games and Ive always though. Why they don’t make and AC game based on feudal japan? Yes there are other games out there with the same Samurai thematic like NIOH, which in all honesty, it was the game that made me buy a PlayStation 4, along with the announcement of the Final Fantasy VII Remake of course. Another game with the same thematic was Sekiro Shadows die Twice, which I got for the Xbox One. Both of these game, I had stopped playing very quickly, they are, at least to me, too difficult, way too challenging and that took all the fun out of them. Just like the Ninja Gaiden games, I hated the were so difficult. Because of these games, I was hesitant to get Ghost. I was afraid that’s I was going to spend 60 USDs on another unforgiving game and I was going to be sad and frustrated.
Well, turns out, the game it’s actually way more forgiving than the previous games I’ve mentioned. This game plays just like an Assassins Creed game. The combat is fluid, and is not like you need to be on a constant defense position and do perfect parries in order to block your enemies’s defense for a one blow kill. Yes, you could I presume but you don’t have to in order to succeed. Just like the most recent AC games, it is an open world with what it looks like a massive map. There are your main missions, side quests ,random encounters, shrines, camps where you can get upgrades, all of that fun stuff. When I was talking to my friend Justin about this game, my first thought was “Assassins creed and Horizon Zero Dawn had a baby but ditched the mechanical dinosaurs”. I never feel like I am doing chores, if anything I am having the time of my life with this game. After installing it, I played for two and a half hours, non-stop, that’s saying something given my attention span these days.
This game is definitely one of the best games in this generation of consoles and it’s worth every penny.
I want to say I may have started my year two at this company, with the right foot - ish. I got to finished all my “minor tasks for the week but more importantly, the Grow out.
You know that feeling that sometimes you get when leaving the house, that you forgot something. Like, did I forget my headphones or my wallet – the stove on. Those are usually the things I think of every time. However, today, I was sure I didn’t forget my wallet, stove was definitely off, I was doubtful about my headphones and my boots 🥾. I take off my boots every day before walking into the house, so I don’t get the carpet all dirty and leave them by the car. Then every morning I see them on the floor by the car and take them with me. I guess this morning I didn’t look down 😅
The thing is, yes I did forget my headphones, at least my Power Beats Pro. I did have my regular EarPods as backups at least. When I was about to head out to the field, well, I opened the trunk and quickly realized, the boots aren’t there. Lucky for me, I had an extra pair of tennis shoes 👟 that I was willing to get dirty. I was so determined to finish this thing that I didn’t care. I didn’t want to call it off and have to comeback the next day knowing I was going to finish today so I said fuck it.
Tennis shoes need a good wash but again, I finished the damn thing and I am so happy 😃 , even if I did it with no boots 🥾
“Let your light shine” — overcome
To celebrate my one year anniversary at the current gig, I had a party with over 20K guests. I was the only one wearing a mask and there was no social distancing. It was very corny 😜
Presenting, the Apple Watch 6, Nintendo Switch edition, well not quite but close. I might need a different shade of blue. 😅
Totally stealing the idea from @samclarke on this one but I do like this setup. It makes it more clear what my intentions are with the iPad.