
Greetings from the Grid!

Hi there my name is Gabriel, sometimes they call me Gaby and/or Gabz, and this is my personal blog!!!!!

Gosh, that sounds so… cliche. Don’t it?

In any case; everyone, again, calls me Gaby and/or Gabz, and this is my personal blog, a digital journal of sorts.

I’m a pretty massive photography and vidya games enthusiast, and sometimes I even write about them. Also, write basically about anything else that tickles my fancy. My thoughts, stories, things I like (hopefully nothing about what I don’t like), and whatever is on my mind, but I mainly do it for my own enjoyment.

As for what I do, well, it’s hard to explain sometimes so the genetic answer is Ag (agriculture), more in the veins of Genetic Purity QC stuff.

You can follow my stuff by subscribing to any of my different Feeds.


Gabz @Gabz