Replying to: bryan @bryan

@bryanrobb @UndamnedOne It is really not that complicated. has the ability to set up categories, and can automatically filter posts into those categories, I have one set up for Blog, and is anything that has a title, and another one Notes, anything less than 280 with no title. Each category does have its own feed and people, if they don't want short posts, they can subscribe to the specific category. I know other folks here have figured out a way to edit their themes so only certain posts with a certain tag/category go to their blog while others won't show in their blog but will still all show up in the timeline. Like only titled posts will show on the site but short ones won't. That's a cool thing but I don't have the knowledge to do such a thing. So I just opted for setting up two categories and letting people on my Hello!/about page where they can subscribe for what.

Gabz @Gabz