Replying to: mjdescy @mjdescy

@mjdescy I much rather work from home for sure, especially in times like these. The company that I work for have taken a very concervative approach about having office people coming back. The teeam I work with, our offices are basically in a trailer (it is actually much better than it sounds lol) except for the mannager, we have very little to none interaction with the rest of the building. Still we are all not going to be in the trailer at the same time, only 2 (maybe 3) of us will be in there. We have to wear masks at all times and we cannot all use the same door for entrying and exsiting the trailer, I am not allowed to woner the building and other stuff. It is going to be weird, I will be on my desk on fron of a computer for 6 hours of my day. As far as traveling, I doubt I will be traveling anywhere for the rest of the year. Lol, my Trailer-dewller budy, told me "Bring your nintendo switch" šŸ¤£

Gabz @Gabz