Replying to: SimonWoods

@simonwoods I want to say this tweet it's "half-true" but I don't know, maybe there's a little bit of naiveness of my part or different experience overall or I'm in for a surprise. There is so much more into this than just that statement I believe. I don't have the exposure he has or the followers, My timeline is definitely different. I see very little of bad humanity on my twitter. I see some but not enough to really make me hate the platform anymore. Whenever I start seeing things and it's from someone I follow, I fix that. Also, I use Twitterrific so I have many muted things and muffles to make things more enjoyable (call it cheating, I call it safeguarding my mental sanity lol). Plus maybe the fact that exsits makes that statement/tweet less true, in my opinion

Gabz @Gabz