Replying to: AndyNicolaides @AndyNicolaides

@andynicolaides I should probably do a blogpost about this. First it was curiousity, I know a lot of members of the Mb community use it so I had to check it out. What I like personally about it is how the templates work, it has pagination that looks a wee better than the themes Mb provides at the moment. It’s much simpler in the sense that I can’t mess up with the templates much myself because I never know what I’m doing lol. So I don’t find myself switching themes every other day 😅. For some reason it behaves better for what I like (or at least for now) for over a month I was posting on both sites, because I could decide. So now I have a combination of the both services. I engage in the Mb community and keep the short posts in my Mb default hosted site which it’s also linked to my menu on the Blot site. And most of the long post will go to blot. My workflow hasn’t changed one bit. I post to both sites from Drafts using pretty much the same actions.

Gabz @Gabz