State of the backpack
Usually, around this time of the year, I do an inventory of sorts, of my backpack. I call it, the State of the backpack 20XX edition or something like that. I have been meaning to go through and compose it. Here is the thing though, This year has been, well, it's been a year. *Especially** in the past 6 months, and mostly work-wise.
Therefore, my backpack has become the closest in your house, that you are scared of and you don't dare to open it anymore, *el-oh-el*. I don't even know what things I may have in there. I know for sure My camera is in there, and sometimes, my work computer and random stuff. Too much random stuff. Again, I don't even know anymore.
Recently though, I received a box, a Stitch-Fix box, and in this box, besides a few shirts and jeans, I also got boots and a backpack! There is nothing super-special about this backpack, it is called The North Face Vault Backpack.
Like I said, nothing special, no special pocketses or hidden things or fancy features but I love the color and its simplicity to be honest. For the past three years and then some, I have been using the 20L Peak Design Everyday Backpack, which is outstanding. If you know me, you know I am a backpack junkie, and the fact that I haven't bought anything else in over three years, that's saying something.
The Vault backpack has not replaced my Everyday one in any way – yet. So far I have been using it as a gym bag, the few times I had the chance to go to the gym right after work, which in reality won't be happening again. But it has made me realize that the Everyday Backpack, has become too much for my daily use. I mean, I love the look of it, the quality of it, and how easy is to store and access my camera with it but a lot of it is not necessarily super-practical for me, at this point.
I may try, to experiment using this less-featured backpack and see how it fairs to my needs, carrying the camera with this one, might be an issue since there is no special compartment or some pocket that could double as a camera compartment.
Maybe I could find a backpack that could be the happy spot between these two?
We shall see.
I know for sure I don't want to be carrying a ton of stuff anymore other that the necessary things.
Oh maybe, it just occurred to me as typing my thoughts away, I can use the less-featured one just for my daily working days. Then use my Everyday, for my off-work daily shenanigans, and just carry less shit in it.
See? it all works out.
Let me know what you all use, down in the comments.
Okay guys, until next time.