Trip to the ER

I love trips, trips are fun, but trips to the ER, nope.

Luna being Luna, yesterday, she was playing around in the kitchen, on a step stool, rearranging the Christmas decorations on the glass door. Somehow, she managed to trip over and to the floor and hurting her parts in the process. She cried a whined for a bit, but off she went. However, she got hurt enough that she didn’t want to go potty last night.

This morning, just the thought of going potty was enough to freak her out. Well, we call the pediatrician, and we were advices to go to the ER, as they didn’t have the necessary equipment, if needed, for her happenstance.

To the ER!!!!!!

So, they take an X-ray, to make sure it was fine, and it was, then they required her to go potty. Challenge, ugh, accepted. A few apple juices and popsicles later, she still would not want to go potty, she was way too scared. We tried everything. At one point, we gave her some our bracelets with the promise they would make her brave…

It took for Annie, to sort of kick me out saying, “go pick Marley from mom’s”. Which to Luna, being the big-hearted sister she is, expressed her wish to go as well. To which then we said, “well, if you go potty, you can come”.

And that was it, that was the encouragement she needed 😅 She went potty, we collected the sample the doctor needed, turned it and waited.

Luna, was so proud of herself, for going potty, and to her surprise, it did not hurt. Lady doctor comes around, congratulates Luna. Luna tells the doctor, “my parents gave me these bracelets, so I’d be brave”.

Long story short, she’s fine, everything is fine but spending about 4 hours in the ER, not fine.

Gabz @Gabz