Permanently Closed

According to past posts and journal writings, it is a recurring theme that I close or walk away for a while, from a social platform, every January, at least for the past two or three years. Consistently, it has been Instagram. A few years back, it was Facebook, which later, became permanently closed. The problem has always been letting go of Instagram. I have thousands of excuses on why I keep it and a few very valid reasons of why to close it, permanently. This time around, I have scheduled my account for deletion and re-opened it twice.

Last night, was my last attempt at trying to make it "better". I unfollowed almost half of the accounts I was following, and muted some others, mostly the stories. At first, it was good, then, I found myself down that rabbit hole again of going to the 'discovery' tab and just doomscrolling, and seeing all these things that make me anxious and somewhat depressed. I may not have the force of will, or the discipline required to fight these tendencies.

This is clearly an indication, that the platform is no longer good for my mental health.

So, let's add Instagram to the list of permanently closed.

Gabz @Gabz