Twenty-twenty two

This is probably an every “New-Year” thing, but there are three main areas where I want to really focus on this year. Well, let’s make it a short-term thing, Q1 JANUARY-MARCH


I need to get back in track. I am a lesser version of myself. I feel lazy, fat and very unhealthy — very. I got to commit, forget the cheap excuses, show up and put on the work. I want to get back on running, or get into biking. I would love to get a rower, I much rather bike or row than run, for some reason.


Better commitment to me, to my family and work. I feel like last year I was winging it a lot, without a clear path or focus.

Mental health

I believe that if I can really commit and work in the two areas listed above, my mental health shall improve, all these areas go hand in hand.

Will make sure to keep track of any changes, log them, journal them. If it’s not documented, it’s as if it didn’t happen, I need to see the progress or lack thereof. I’m sure any systems to accomplish any of these goals will change, but as long as I stick to the original plan, I guess it won’t matter. Although, having a consistent system would be the best approach.

I came across this shortcut created by Nash, he calls it ’Time Tracker”,

Time Tracker is a shortcut I built (here’s a link to it). I’ve been using it the last few days, and I’m loving it so far. I press the app icon I’ve built, or the button on my watch, and write out whatever it is I’m currently doing or thinking about. It then gets logged into Fantastical as an event with the specific time that I logged it. This will help me see where my time is going, and also help me refer back to for writing prompts.

I found it very intriguing, it would serve as a quick way to log things and perhaps use them for. Weekly reviews and post them to my blog and journal/document my progress in these areas.

Moreover, I am rethinking the way I use task managers. I want to use Things 3, and rather than just tasks like I have always used it for, perhaps I can also use it for tracking habits. I am still working on this one, more on that later. I feel like if I stick to it, it might help to stay focused and disciplined.

Well, this is the plan, so far, at least for the next few months. We will reassess in three months. Oh, I’ve just remembered, I need to get my passport.

Gabz @Gabz