I am not stressing, you are.

At the company I work for, the end of the year is very much the busiest, starting early fall. It’s harvest season, and with harvest, come samples, thus many tests and subsequently, tests results. Planers need these results, so they can sell and export seeds. Moreover, I was handed a massive project right in the middle of all of this. The project has been completed, sort of. I won’t call it completed until all my samples are shipped and out the door.

Like every year, we are also preparing our next field trial for Chile. Most field trials are pretty easy since they are within the US. Since this one is off the country, there is much more to it than simply packing and shipping. Many regulations and paperwork. This means lots of work for me and my team, a team of two. What makes things a bit more stressful for me, is the fact that this year, I am traveling to another of our field trials, this coming Saturday in fact. This means I only have 5 days to help with all the preparations and I will be leaving my coworker with all the rest right in the middle of. Knowing this, I have been doing a lot of prep beforehand. Still, I am stressed and also feeling a bit guilty for leaving my coworker alone with the GO prep and shipping. This is on top of all the other things I have daily. Like I’ve said, data, data, and more data.

And then some…

Gabz @Gabz