A home gym?

Screw it! I think I am just going to go for it.

I want to say, ever since the pandemic started, I have been struggling with fitness, among other things. But for the sake of the argument (or conversation) let us just stick to fitnesses. I have been on and off, trying to do many own things, failing at it then saying,

I need a gym.

Then I drop the idea because, CORONA. A month or so I go, I decided I needed to man-up, and go to the gym. Well, I did, I got a membership at a local gym. In the first moth, I probably went for 2 weeks or more. Not too bad, I mean yeah, the objective/idea was to go at least 4 to 5 times a week.

Anyway, las night I went, it was a bad workout, I’ve got to admit, but an in all it was decent. Especially since I have not been for a week now. Twenty minutes into my workout, I had a little bit of anxiety.

This place, isn’t the cleanest looking place. Where are the disinfecting wipes? What, they are all out? Oh gosh, I touched my face. Did I clean this kettlebell?

I felt so, so unsafe. Yes, I am vaccinated, I have some level of “protection”. But what about the other people? I don’t see other cleaning or disinfecting after themselves. I know I do and did. Furthermore, because of all of this, I only stay on the same side of the gym. I only use a limited number of equipment. I truly don’t dare to venture out and use the machines.

Today, I was having a conversation with my coworker, the main topic was not stopping going to the gym but maybe go to a different location. Because let’s be honest, my current gym, does not inspire confidence and cleanliness, like at all. All my other options were way out of my way. If I had all the time in the world, sure, but I don’t.

So, that brought us to the conclusion, back to an idea I had in my head for a long while. Just set up my own home gym.

When I come to see, all I need are a kettlebell, a pull-up bar, and maybe, but not required, a squat rack setup. That is it! I’ve got the space, which is my garage, and I know what I need to do. Also, having a home setup might entice my wife to workout too.

There are options, some equipment is not that expensive. In fact, there is a local store called, Play it again Sports, where people sell or trade their equipment, and then you can buy said equipment for much cheaper. I will be really honest, I had no idea this store existed. If there is one piece of equipment that might cost me serious money, that’d would be a rower. I love the rower, I prefer it way more than a treadmill or any other cardio-like machine.

My only concern is that I am very impatient, and I’d like to have everything all setup and done by yesterday! So, that would be my one thing I need to watch out for. Apart from that, I am excited.

Gabz @Gabz