More comic books please

I miss reading comic books, I miss going to my local comic books shop and browse the new releases section. Buy some issues, just to then re-buying digitally, unless they include the code for the digital copy. I haven’t read anything in a long time. I am even subscribed to ComiXology Unlimited still, and yet, I don’t barrow and read anything.

Even if I can’t make it to my local store, I should at least take advantage of this subscription and pick some fun and interesting books. Reading something new could be fun and also a little daunting, especially when it is an ongoing series. It can be hard to know where to jump in without being too lost. Perhaps this is a reason why I fear of jumping back in on something like The Batman books or JL, even Marvel.

There are some books I would definitely re-visit, like Jason Aaron’s first run of God of Thunder, The Court of Owls by Snyder and Greg Capullo, even East of West from Image Comics, which I never finished. Perhaps I should pick up something that had recently started.

Needless to say, I got many options, just need to find, or rather, make time for it.

Gabz @Gabz