It has to be a sickness

There are a few things in my life that I unnecessarily keep looking into or trying to get things replaced for no reason whatsoever. That what  I already got is good or good enough, and yet, I find myself going down rabbit holes over them.

And that is,

  • Domain names
  • Note-taking apps
  • To-do apps
  • Camera gear
  • and Backpacks

It's a sickness and obsession of sorts, and I can't stop it.

Domain Names

I look at domain names almost every week. Many of them, do make it to the check-out cart. Then, I close the browser tab and move on. I think the main reason I chicken out on domain names is that then everyone that may follow my blog, would have to resubscribe, and if there is a way to change domain names and not people not having to resubscribe, I don't know about it. 

(I found for dirt cheap)

Note-taking apps

The truth of the matter is, I really don't, well, more like I rarely take notes. The only times you might see me taking notes is at work and I much rather use pen and paper. If I do any type of note-taking on my phone, for example, it would be something quick and I use Drafts for that. All my writing happens on Ulysses on my iOS devices and Mac, other sources when at work. I am Playing with Quill today. That being said, I have been playing a little bit with Obsidian for some note-taking and work-journaling, simply because it has a Windows native app and if I wanted to, it can sync with iOS, and there's an iOS app. More on that later...

To-do apps

Well, this is my major struggle, in a way. I know for sure, that I like using Things, but I'd like to have access to reminders and tasks everywhere and I work on a Windows PC, unfortunately. This leaves Things sort of out of the question. I tried bringing my iPad to work and use it as a little hub where I could keep using Things but that was causing a lot of friction. Thus, I am left with either Todoist or TickTick. Therefore, I am back at experimenting on TickTick and see how that goes. So far is work-related things only but we shall see.

Camera Gear

I am a photography fan and enthusiast, it is a passion of mine and I love doing it. The camera Gear a currently have, an Olympus OMD E-M10 Mark III, is a decent camera, I believe I have taken a decent amount of decent-to-good pictures with it, and yet I can't stop trying to justify the need to buy,/replace/upgrade to the next thing.


It'll be two years since I got my latest backpack now in August, the Everyday Backpack by Peak Desing. It is probably the best backpack I've ever owned and the most expensive too. It fits my needs, great quality, love it. Yet, I have recently started looking at other options, just because, I really have no reason whatsoever on why should I replace it, and still.

So yeah, I think I am sick.

Gabz @Gabz