letting go too easy?

This afternoon, I went to my local Albertsons store, as I do. I felt so out off place, again. I was probably the only person wearing a mask. And I started questioning myself, if I am really the odd-man-out. Is it okay to not wear a mask anymore? What am I afraid of? The people not wearing them that aren’t vaccinated? Are we letting go far too easy?

In this town, it would not surprise me that we are just letting go easy. This is a conservative, very red state. Specially in my side of town, you still see Trump flags around.

It is hard to decide if is it because we are better than we were months ago, or if the people are just fed up, or is it a political thing. Maybe I’m too used to it that I don’t see we are there yet? Or perhaps all the above.

Is it really okay to let go? Is it “safe”?

Either way, I feel uncomfortable, still to let go.

Gabz @Gabz