More than a hairdo

Today was hairdo day. The Wife got her hair done, Marley and Luna got theirs, and I finally got my long-awaited haircut. I’ve been living in Boise Idaho since 2008, and since then, my lady and I have gone to the same hairdresser, Tia. At this point, she’s not only our favorite hairdresser but also a very close friend, we have a lot of history, and she knows us better than many people.

Anyway, today was like every other appointment, we talk, we catch up and listen to each other. It’s almost like therapy in a way. As I was getting my haircut she asked about how I was doing and all that jazz. I expressed to her my current frustrations on being healthy and active, telling her the changes I’ve been making but most of all whether I wanted to get back into a gym membership or not. Her response/advice was quite the realization and took me by surprise a bit.

She said;

The most in shape I have ever seen you was when you were doing everything on your own, without a gym.

And you know what, thinking about it, she’s right. Yes, it is nice I guess to have a place where you can go and tune the world out, but maybe it’s not absolutely necessary. I enjoy my outdoor workouts far more than in a gym. All I need is a few kettlebells and a decent area, like my backyard. Also, I have been meaning to get back into running, and I rather run out and about over on a treadmill.

It is good to get reminded by people that probably know you better than you know yourself. People that know the best version of you.

Thank you, Tia

Gabz @Gabz