Eight hours

Monday, also, first day back at pre-pandemic eight hours work on-site.

In case you’re wondering, before I’d be on-site from 5:00am to 12:15pm (first shift). Then, at 1:00pm to 8:00pm would be the second shift on-site. Now we are back to just one shift, 7:00am to 3:30pm.

So, now there’s 5 of us in our office space/ trailer. Three of them are in their offices and two of us in our cubicles. The two of us in cubicles need to wear masks 😷 at all times. There’s only 6 people allowed in the break room at a time even if it’s to just reheat your food. So, we all had to sign up for time slots. And since we are supposed to wear masks at all times, we can’t eat at our desks anymore. Which sucks because I really don’t like using the break room. Luckily, we do have a small meetings room in the trailer that we turned into our personal break room, we just take turns.

Commute. I had forgotten how bad traffic is at 6:30am — I don’t like it. Oh, also how bad it is getting out of work at 3:30pm.

I got spoiled for sure 😅

After a whole year, I feel like I need to adjust again. Now I need to make sure I bring breakfast, snacks, and lunch with me. Before I just worried about coffee, breakfast, and a snack. Just needed to survive until to lunch which I’d have here at home.

The good things? I get to sleep more, I get to see people I haven’t seen in over a year. I definitely have more time to do my on-site duties and having most of the managers present is always a good thing as well.

Oh! And birthday treats at my desk are outstanding too. 🙌🏼😎

Gabz @Gabz