Yesterday in the Santiago-Ortiz household was cleaning day, as it is every weekend. In the midst of the chore, I decided to clean underneath and back of our sofa. We have a big sectional one and like many, it “eats” everything, things go missing and never to bee seeing again 😅

Please doing judge us, in our defense, it is a massive heavy sofa and we have two kids.

That being said, I was shocked by the number of things that we found and cleaned from behind and underneath the thing, it was bonkers. I even found my weeks-lost work iPhone 😅

Anyhow, I am glad it got done, it was way overdue. We also organized all the girl’s toys and got a bunch of others ready for donation. Yesterday was a very productive day here in the Santiago-Ortiz household.

Great Job Team!!

The next thing I want to clean is where the fridge is... 😬

Gabz @Gabz