neon abyss

A long while ago, I wrote about a game I liked, Neon Abyss which I couldn’t have enough of that game. I played this game for months until I kind of got frustrated with it. I could not progress anymore in the game. I pretty much got stuck in a loop. Long-story-short, I needed to acquire a specific randomly-generated token from one of the dungeons to get to the current target, Ares. If you didn’t get the token, you would fight the 3 bosses previously beaten (Argus, Hal, and Zeus), and that was it, you’d have to start over. Other times I would access the token, only to die in one of the bosses fights.

Today, I decided to play the game for a bit, kind of like having a craving for a donut. I just wanted to play for a bit, whether I could progress in the game or not. Well, it turns out, I had the best run I could have had. I got the token early on in the game, managed to survive all three bosses, and beat Ares. Now I am to the next “manager”. That would be Athena.

Gabz @Gabz