
Yesterday I had a good workout. I am pretty happy about it and I feel very motivated. As long as everything else in my world works out, I should be able to keep it up but then, we have Murphy’s. Needless to say, I am very sore today, it feels good in a way. My purpose yesterday was to do a somewhat full-body workout to, in a way, condition my body and prepare it for what’s coming.

If you follow along, you should know I am all about kettlebell and body-weight kind of workouts. I am also a huge fan of EMOM type workouts and that’s what I did yesterday.


  • 5 burpees
  • 5 kettlebell snatches (per side)
  • 6 Kettlebell Clean & Press (per side)
  • 20 Swings
  • 7 Rollouts

Again, the idea is to complete each movement within a minute and rest the remainder of it, then moving to the next movement. I completed a total of 5 rounds, resting 60 seconds between them. I took the inspiration for this workout from Juan Leija on the Instagrams, in fact, 90% of my kettlebell workouts are inspired by him.

Let’s see what can we accomplish today. Luna seems to be a little on the weather as well thus I might have to take her into the doctor.


There’s seems to be some kind of event today and people are wild about it 😜

Gabz @Gabz