RSSing less

Right now my RSS feed its sitting at two hundred and forty nine unread items. Which more than seventy-five percent of them I won’t even bother reading. There are many reasons for this. I believe my interests have changed over the last few years. There is to be a time where I cared about, the “hot takes” in technology, the how to’s, and software reviews. Nowadays, I can barely give two jacks about those 😅. It’s boring and I really don’t care.

I prefer to read , personal blogs, they seem more interesting an real to me. The rest is just majestic bullshit.

Because of this change I’ve stepped away from RSS a bit, most of the content I care to read about I either find in and newsletters. I deleted my Feedbin account and went with some free service but I think I’m going to either kill it or just unsubscribe to seventy five percent of my feed.


It is hot af

Gabz @Gabz