No more Anna

I may be speaking too soon on this one, but there is a high possibility that we are passed the "Anna"/ Frozen II obsession stage. Now, it's Trolls World Tour. For Marley, story is repeating itself, in a way. She used to be obsessed with the first movie of Trolls. It was her "Anna". Now, a few years later, she's obsessed again with the Trolls, different set of songs this time. It was a little bit of an adjustment for Luna, the main "Anna" obsessed of the two.

With Marley we never had the situation in which she would get "scared" of things she'd be watching. For example, a dinosaur roaring or a fire monster, stuff like that. Luna on the other hand, she's a scary cat in some ways. For example, we are watching Moana and she loves Moana until Te Ka shows up or the big dinosaur in the Minions movie. At that point she starts running, looking for the Apple TV remote, bringing it to either one of us screaming "Anna, Anna". With Trolls World Tour, a similar situation when the Rock Trolls would appear. Fortunately she got passed it and now she likes them and is no longer "scared".

It is fun to watch, especially Marley, on front of the TV dancing and singing all the song in the movie, she's now obsessed with Crazy Train, just the "Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye..." part for now though el-oh-el , oh and "Trolls who wanna have fun". Luna watches be she is not as excited as her older sister.

Either way, I much rather watch this movie, I think I am over with Frozen II. As far as Trolls World Tour goes, it's a fun movie to watch, I really like it quite a lot. Now, let us see for how long that stands.

Gabz @Gabz