My favorite Video Game(s) of 2019.

According to Nintendo, these are my most played games of 2019.

Yes, I played many hours of these three games, one I’m still playing it — Pokémon Shield. But my true favorite game of 2019 for the Switch it’s KATANA ZERO

As frustrating and difficult as this game can be, I love everything about it! Love the retro look, the action, the music, the colors, the blood (lol), everything! Sadly even though I have so much love for this game, I rage quit it! One day I’ll give it a go again and finish it.

For the Xbox One, it’s definitely Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

I played this game, finished it and started again. I have spent some much money on extra gear and other items. I have over one hundred hours played in this game. I’m a huge fan of the AC series but this game blew my mind!

For the PlayStation 4

Well I didn’t play a lot of PlayStation 4 this year. Mostly was spent between the Xbox and the Nintendo Switch. Probably the last game I played on it was Kingdom Hearts III

Which I kinda drift away from it, because of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey but I’m sure this would have been my pick for this year if I would have stuck with it.

Gabz @Gabz