December first.

December first, the last 31 days of this decade. Sounds pretty dramatic. Don’t it? There are a couple of things I feel like I want to focus/work on this month as a prep for 2020.

Digital minimalism.

I want to cutback on my digital presence and be more present in my real world/life. Cultivate friendship and my real relationships, reach out and be more engaging. Although, I would dare to say that the community sorta falls in the “real relationship” category, unlike twitter and Instagram or any other form of social media, does gives me that sense of real connection.


I have made a commitment to myself to be more active and live a healthier life. Right now, it is far from perfect but it isn’t as bad as it used to be. I have made some progress. I have lost a few pounds, getting down from 220 to 195 lbs (currently). I do feel much better about myself. It not only has helped me physically but mentally. So I have plans for myself, I want to continue on this path and be even better!


By the end of the year it’ll be about 4 months since I’ve started my new job. I am still learning the ropes and getting better at it. I want to continue striving for “greatness” I don’t mean it in a pretensions arrogant way, but I aspire to master and be good at what I do. Support my team and the company’s goals and take onto more responsibilities as they become available.

And last but not least, the most important task in my life, my family. I want to be a better provider, be more present and a the best parental figure I can be for my girls. More hugs and more fun! Also be a better husband, even after 11 or do years (I think it’s been 11) I’m still working it.


Delight yourselves with another first of the month home screen setup screenshot. 😜

Gabz @Gabz