Marley's First Time at The Cinema.

Frozen 2

Why was Elsa born with magical powers? The answer is calling her and threatening her kingdom. Together with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, she’ll set out on a dangerous but remarkable journey. In “Frozen,” Elsa feared her powers were too much for the world. In “Frozen 2,” she must hope they are enough.

First time and the cinema for Marley! Today we adventures ourselves and took Marley to the Cinema to watch Frozen 2. She has been waiting all week for it! We had company of course, Annie’s brother, his wife and kid (Liam). Alll things considered, it went well. My oldest it’s a lot like, hard to keep still (😅).

The movie was great, I really enjoyed it. Enjoyed better than I did the first one. However, I might be a little bias since I’ve seen the first movie like a trillion times!

Gabz @Gabz