πŸ”— This Feature Should Be Easy.

Brent Simmons:

A feature is pretty much never as easy as it seems.

I see this all the time. I have probably been guilty of this myself at some point. “I don’t understand why we don’t have this feature yet! It should be just a damn-line of code!!” Baaah!!! “This developer doesn’t listen!” Baaah!! RIOT!!! πŸ˜‚

As if we knew any better.

But I would ask that you try not to call something easy. The developer of that app will have a pretty good idea of the requirements and the level of effort, and it’s never as simple as it looks on the surface. And they also have a good idea of what needs to happen, for various reasons, before work starts on that feature.

πŸ›Ž (ding!)

Gabz @Gabz