Field trip to urgent care.

Well, here’s our first running to our local Urgent Care with Mar. Marley (3-years-old) was playing and bouncing around at grandma’s and hit her forehead with a chair. When it was assessed apparently it didn’t look too bad so they cleaned it up, some ointment and a bandaid was all it took. And she went about her usual ways after that so we weren’t too concerned.

Later at home we went to change the bandaid and realized that it wasn’t as small of a gash as we thought it was.

And to urgent care we go. Not fun, obviously Marley wasn’t thrilled about it. In fact she was very scared. I knew this one was going to be difficult for her, mom (specially mom) and also for the staff at the clinic. Marley is pretty strong when she’s upset or freaking out — she can be a handful.

Short story long, she didn’t get stitches as we thought she would. She got her wound “glued” and some butterfly stitches. She’s doing well, she’s been Marley, our normal Marley.

Now, let’s see how the road to “recovery” will be with this one. 😅🤕

Gabz @Gabz