Playing with bells.

If you were to ask me what my favorite type of exercise (or workout) is, my answer will be anything that involves kettlebells. I find it more engaging and fun than just benching all day or strapped to a machine. At this point in my life is all about keep moving, be strong but functional. Thus why exercises that involve a lot of movement are my preferred choice. Luckily for me I have a friend that owns a “playground” for this kind of stuff, it’s called R Studio.

This morning I got to join his kettlebell class and oh man have I miss this! It was about an hour workout class, lots of body weight exercises and kettlebells, right up my alley. It felt so good to workout with a group of people and seeing old friends. This is something I have been meaning to get back into for a while but with my previous job I was working most Saturdays so I wasn’t able to join. During the week was and still is a little impossible to go because it’s very out of my way. Which is why Saturday classes work better for my schedule. I hope I can make this a thing again and join this class every week of all possible. Also makes it a great way to get ideas for my own workouts during the week when I’m on my own.

Gabz @Gabz