Day Five.

First week down!

I’ve survived my first week at the new job. Today was a little mellow compared to the previous days, most likely because it’s Friday. I did get to do some hands-on data entry that I hadn’t had the chance to do earlier in the week other than that it was a lot of corporate (B.S.) compliance videos and such.

Overall it was a great first week. I love the place I’m working at (so far). The people are great, the culture is great!

Looking forward to the second week and beyond.

Side note:

At the end of the day my manager comes by the office and tells me that, since it’s a “holiday” (three-day-weekend) that it was okay to leave early. Apparently it’s a thing they do/allow here. I got caught up with something so I had to stay for a few minutes longer.

Well and as you can see, she want kidding.

I guess I was the last one leaving.😐😅

Gabz @Gabz