Getting back on track.

Today I have completed my first good workout in a while. I want to get back into it, no, I need to get back into it. Back to not just a better physical state but also a better mental state, I believe one comes with the other. I want to feel good and healthy, and also good about myself. Too many things in life, poor excuses and bad habits are the culprits of my current state. I think it’s time to change that!

A workout routine, I need to get serious about it, close those rings, be consistent and no excuses. Better nutrition, stop or reduce significantly my poor choices when it comes to unhealthy foods and snacks that have no nutritional value. Probably my biggest guilty pleasure right now are potato chips, pizza (which they love buying at work for almost any reason) and donuts, I’ve got to work on that. Also make sure I do all my meals through the day and drink more water! Less alcohol, drinking alcoholic (mostly beer) is probably my worst habit. One that got worse while I was unemployed, probably bored and depressed, I’d say. Though I consider myself a craft-beer enthusiast I feel like I have been drinking too much, too often and probably for the wrong reasons. Whereas before I would treat it more like a treat or reward to myself. It was more about the experience, trying something new and enjoy it without been too excessive. Definitely something that needs correction.

I think my biggest challenge on this it’s commitment, to stay focused, consistent and true to myself. I’m sure I’m going to need some help and establish some systems in order to stay on top of things. But if stick to my plans I’m sure I’ll to start seeing — and feeling — some positive changes and that will keep me motivated.

I wish meself some luck!

Gabz @Gabz