Something I liked​ this week, volume 4.

DESTINY 2 on Xbox One

I know I am probably late to the party but I got myself Destiny 2 on the Xbox One. I’ve never been a huge fan of the franchise, I remember purchasing the first game and only playing it for like a week or two. Neither had any intentions of buying this game at all but it was on sale for $9.99 at Best Buy and I had a gift card, so I thought, Why not? And to my surprise, I am actually enjoying this game quite a lot. It has a much better storyline than the first game and I think that’s part of the reason why I like it so. I do like and enjoy games with a good story — or a decent one. I like the fact that even when I am participating in public events or “strikes” I still feel like I am still playing a single player campaign. It is not too difficult or complicated, I don’t feel like I am doing chores in order to level up, it’s a good experience.

I can tell I really like this game because after finishing the main story, even though you can still play much more after, I started a new character right away. I am not so much about completing every single mission, collect every single special gear/upgrades/weapons and whatnot. I am more in it for the ride and have fun playing. (But man I do suck at PvP lol)

Anyway, If you are playing this game (still) on the Xbox, feel free to add me at Batbriel, and maybe we can all play together — or not, it’s all good.

IN OTHER NEWS: It’s too hot out!

Gabz @Gabz